Sunday, January 25, 2009

for this week and the project ahead..

Invention, Experimentation, and Deconstruction:

From our description of the section, I will suggest a few artists/designers to search to get the idea of how one can reinvent through inspired investigation of the past.

Roxy Paine: through his reference to nature and natural forms, he allows one to not only believe in the beauty of the synthetic representation of the natural but to question the need for the natural at all...allowing a larger conversation into what is nature in a world overrun by humans that 
are constantly designing ways to gain control and dominion over their environment.

Walton Ford: in his heroic recapitulation of naturalist studies and as a nod to John James Audubon, Walton Ford paints graphic realism into the habits of the animal kingdom choosing only to allow the application of the paint and palette choices to be made romantic and let the subject matter tell a wild animal story....this is in direct reaction and adverse to portraits of animals previously rendered in the traditional humanistic style.

Francis Alys: please read this interview:
and this blog:

Also, this week is our field trip to the Headlands Center for the Arts, please begin to talk about ridesharing as public transportation does not service Fort Barry. Above, you will see an image from the show by Francesca Pastine.

Other artists to reference or look into:
invention: Julie Mehretu, Olafur Eliasson, Mark Grotjahn, Chiho Aoshima, Franz Ackerman
deconstruction:Takashi Murakami, Douglas Gordon
experimentation:Andrea Zittel, Tom Friedman, Francis Alys

see you tomorrow for the last presentations and new project initiation...

Hello and glad that you made it..

Welcome to the Pushing Boundaries blog. In lieu of creating a wasteful and cumbersome reader this year, I thought we could opt for the immediacy of communication through the internet and a blog seemed the perfect interface.

I will be using this post to recommend readings, sites, events, etc. that are relevant and enriching to our class as well as encouraging your posts and comments to enliven the conversation and dialogue.  Thanks in advance for your participation and keep your eyes open for the first big post later this evening.