Sunday, February 8, 2009

running amok: some more

Hella Jongerius is one of those pretty simple inspirational characters, makes a lot of something out of nothing. Her work with Droog lighting proved luminous (silly pun, sorry), plenty to be seen in how they influenced and inspired later lighting design. Product and interiors on her own with Jongeriuslab...these companies are both worth spending 
time checking into. If her work looks familiar, it is no wonder, she designs a few products and lines that end up in IKEA and are featured regularly in magazines that appreciate interesting lines and inventive design.

there are a few really funny one-off projects on the site if you find yourself wandering through it, enjoy. Her textiles are also really fabulous if you can find them.....

Then, when it comes to cutting edge design thinking...IDEO. Upon visiting their San Francisco design studios a year ago, I was struck by the deep empathy embedded in their projects. It was never enough just to imagine that they knew their client or target market, most often they spent time actually living, breathing and partying with them until they were able to come forward with a design that had been circulated in real time with real people. So, please make some time to check out IDEO and  Tim Brown's design thinking blog.

Tomorrow will find us looking at some short videos together and reviewing contracts. Please come to the meeting prepared to talk about your project and discuss any relevant points in respect to your contract. 

Signing out for now. Goodnight. 

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